From First Draft to Reader-Ready

Customised, full-service editing packages for every publisher.

If you’ve been looking for an eagle-eyed and dedicated freelance editor, look no further. From developmental and structural editing to error-checking your final proofs, I have experience in every part of the process.

I’ve worked across a range of English-language publications in the US, the UK, and Malta, including arts and literary magazines, science periodicals, and even corporate documentation. But no matter your target audience, style guide, or tone of voice, I’m invested in strengthening your message and making sure your words hit their mark.

How Can I Help?

Copy and Sub-Editing

Ensure accuracy and a consistent, readable style across your entire publication by hiring me as your copy-editor or sub-editor.

Price based on scope and genre


Approaching the final leg of publication? Make sure your proofs and final copies are error-free with a proofreading package.

Price based on scope and genre

Content and Structure

A first draft is only the first step. For more in-depth developmental editing, structural rewriting, and content development, I've got your back. I'm happy to work with your authors on novels or articles that need a bit more guidance to bring them to their full potential.

Price based on scope

Project Management

If you've got a literary project that needs the creativity and guidance of a managing editor, I'd love to know what you're working on. From curating talent to taking the reigns on content development, I'd be more than happy to discuss what I can do for you.

Get in touch for a quote

Bespoke Editing Packages

Not sure what you need, or want to hire me for several different services at once? Or maybe you need help developing a style guide or figuring out best practice as a new publication? Simply get in touch, and we'll discuss how I can help your publication shine.

Price based on services + wordcount

How it Works

Once you’ve sent me details of your project and we’ve discussed the type and scope of editing that you’d prefer, I’ll send you a contract for you to review. I ask for a 20% deposit, with the rest to be paid once our editing is complete. I’ll be in close contact throughout the duration of the process, and of course, once I’ve sent you my notes, I’m always happy to address any questions you might have about them and to discuss your next steps.

About Amy

Hailing from the sunny island of Malta, I am a passionate, versatile, and goal-driven developmental and copy editor with extensive experience in shaping and polishing creative projects. In addition to providing editorial services to authors, I've been involved in projects ranging from grassroots publications such as the Stejjer Imfewħa artistic heritage initiative to longstanding periodicals including THINK magazine and Encore arts and culture.

Find Amy on Instagram | Twitter